



Did I mention I was sore?

Did you know when you cough or sneeze your abdominal muscles flex?  Yeah, that kind of sore.

Because I had a lot of work to do, I was considering blowing off my swim in favor of a walk that would take less time.  After waking up this morning there isn’t a chance in hell I’ll do that.   I don’t care how damn busy I am. I’m all hurty and need some soothing water.   I think, however, I went a little too light on the legs, as my legs aren’t really all that sore.  Not really complaining, as a whole body soreness isn’t my favorite sensation in the world.  I’ll go heavy on legs the next time I work out and maybe ease up on the upper body.

I’ve finally figured out what I do the up and down thing so much when I get to exercising (work out hard, then quit for awhile).  I like a challenge.  I like to have a goal.  I like to progress.

Thing is, my goals really don’t include being a competitive athlete or anything like that.  While I want to be healthy, my real goals are about finishing my degree, growing my business and improving my writing skills.  If I’ve the physical stamina to work hard on those goals, that’s really all I need.

Maintenance of physical fitness is kinda dull, though.  Years ago, I used to say if I was taking a half hour walk a day, doing some stretching and body weight exercises, why, I’d call it good.  I didn’t because I couldn’t keep interested in it.  Would that have been enough?  For health purposes, yeah, it would.  If you’re getting your heart rate up to about 70% of its max for about 20-30 minutes 5-7 days a week, your CV system is really all good.  Anything more you do is a hobby, friends.   Yes, bodybuilding is a hobby, not about health.  Flame away, my dears, but you don’t need to go to those lengths to be healthy.  In fact, at competition levels, it is decidedly unhealthy.

But back to the actual point.  I find maintenance dull.  I challenge myself a lot because challenges are interesting. Oddly enough, they also kinda work against me.  I prefer, for instance, that male partners be physically stronger than I am.  Right now, the average healthy male is (I’m only 5’2″, after all).  As I challenge myself in the weight room, that won’t necessarily be so.  Finding the balance — keeping myself interested enough to be healthy, but not working against myself, can be a real pain in the butt.


I finally hit the weight room again after an embarrassingly long hiatus.

There’s a hunger I get sometimes if I’ve worked out really hard weightlifting, and it feels better than other hungers.

Much is made of the nutrition that brackets a workout for the weight lifter, as well one should!  You can’t out-train a crappy diet.  (God knows I try.  You’d think I’d do better since I know better.  Ah well…)

While all meals should have some protein and some carbs, the pre-workout meal should be slightly higher in carbs.  I don’t mean like a bunch of bread.  I mean like a bowl of porridge or something.  I suppose the Celtic blood I have shows when it comes to good pinhead oatmeal, because that really, really is a good, tasty breakfast.  (I often have an egg with this.  Protein, you know).

But my favorite meal, the meal that is viscerally satisfying, that makes me feel good emotionally, and that I’m most hungry for is the post workout meal.  It’s always simple — just meat and veggies.  If I have time I usually just chop everything up and saute it with some soy sauce in a pan with a dribble of olive oil.

I sometimes wonder if that meal feels good in a way that might be wired into the hindbrain.  God knows I’m mostly primitive, and perhaps heavy exertion before a meal with meat satisfies the hunter programming in my brain, even if truth be told, I’m no hunter and would likely starve if dropped in the woods to survive.

I bribed myself into the weight room today, and said if I was a Very Good Girl and worked out, I could soak in the hot tub afterwards.  To be honest, while it’s a pleasure and I’d do it just for that, it’s also to prevent what I know is going to be a very sore morning tomorrow.  Because of the hiatus, I was lifting about 20 lbs less than I had been at the top of my game.  Rule One, you know.  I’m really too busy to be benched by stupid.  Even though I was lifting less, I was still shaking after the workout, so I got the right amount of physical challenge.

Instead of doing the long swims, as much as I love to say I’m swimming a mile, I’m doing shorter, more intense workouts.  They do better for body-changing, and I really do want to take off a bit of adipose tissue.

I think, though, I’m still going to indulge in the hot tub after swimming, too.

Hedonist, that’s me.


I’ve been throwing in some self-indulgence after a workout lately.  My gym has a good whirlpool, so after a hard workout, I soak for awhile.

I should probably be doing it for no other reason than soreness prevention, but I’m really doing it because it feels good.  I don’t always have time after a workout.  On days when I’m teaching computer classes, especially if I’m also opening at the gym, I’ve barely enough time to get in a short workout on the weights. Forget a good swim and a soak.

I kind of wish that the end of the day would be a good time to work out.  With my schedule and basic personal rhythm, morning workouts tend to get done.  I’ll blow off an evening workout.  But the wonderful relaxation I feel after a hard swim and a good soak in the hot tub would definitely be conducive to a good night’s sleep.

Thing is, if I work out in the mornings, I’m considerably lesslikely to blow off the workout, which is more or less why I do it.

Question for the female swimmers, how in hell do you keep a decent manicure?  I’m finding that for the most part, my nails are softer and polish peels right off.  I’m not talking long daggers here, but nicely-filed shortish fingernails.

Analysis of BMI

BMIThe expression BMI gets thrown out a lot lately, but it seems to me that very few people — either health professionals talking about weight, or people who talk about the fact that skinny is a lousy metric of health understand very well.

BMI means Body Mass Index. It’s a height/weight ratio. That’s it.  It doesn’t measure what the weight is composed of (muscle, bone, adipose tissue, water bloating or anything).  It’s just what you get when you step on a scale.  Most adult male athletes would be considered overweight or obese by BMI standards.  Clearly this is a measurement that leaves much to be desired.

It was developed somewhere between 1830 and 1850 by Adolphe Quetelet, a Belgian scientist who was trying to develop a discipline known as Social Physics. This was basically the study of Man by means of statistical measurements.  Because many of his theories were not well thought of by his peers, the discipline of sociology supplanted it not long afterwards.

Quetelet did work in the public health sector, where his formula of BMI was applied to issues of health of the day.  Thing is, these measurements were used to establish an average based on the 1840-1850 set of measurements he took.  “Average” was then taken as a baseline for “acceptably healthy”.

Friends, barring cancer, almost anyone reading this is far healthier than the average person of the 19th century.  Our mothers were better nourished while we were gestating.  Our medical care — even if it was sub-standard, was better than was even available then.    Losing a child has gone from something routine that most mothers faced to something unusual and unexpected.  I have a friend who’d be facing death in childbirth in the next few weeks if it weren’t for obstetrical advances.

I wanna chuck the BMI for one reason: It’s bad science. It’s a statistical measurement based on environmental conditions that no longer exist compared to conditions we no longer find desirable.  We’ve got better ways to measure health now.  Let’s use ’em.

Talk About a Random Post

I’ve been appallingly bad about working out in the past couple of weeks.

Which, of course, is idiotic, because I got a job where I have to get up at 0 dark thirty to open the gym for a couple of hours once a week so I can use the facilities without having to have the expense of a membership.  I get paid a little, which is nice, so I come out ahead of the game.

If I use the facilities!

I swam a mile today.  I just haven’t felt like pumping iron, so I’m just gonna swim most days.  I know, not perfect.  Screw perfect.  Swimming a mile a day is hardly bad for health and fitness!  I’ll be eager to start pumping some iron soon enough, I’m sure.

I’ve also been reluctant to work out according to my usual schedule because my son is home with me.  Why I feel guilty about leaving a thirteen year old for an hour while I go work out is dorky.  I used to love to have the house to myself at that age.  Not doing anything wrong, mind, just liked the sense of freedom and privacy.

Like my own mother, I tend to leave chores for my son when I leave the house (empty the dishwasher, put a load of clothes on to dry, etc.) I’m glad to have ’em taken care of, so am kind of effusive in my praise, because… Well, it really is a help, and it means he is a contributing member of the household.  I want him to know I see it that way.  When I was his age, I know my mom was glad someone else was doing the laundry in the summer.

I think a lot of problems with teenagers is that they feel unappreciated and useless.   Chores often feel like busywork to a kid rather than a necessary (and valued!) contribution.   Frankly?  I’m grateful to be free of dealing with the laundry for the summer, and I let my son know that.  I like it that I don’t have to cope with the dishwasher, and I let him know that, too.

I’m gonna get some work out of the way, and then reward myself with the final jacket in my sewing session.  I wore the burgundy jacket, burgundy shell and black skirt working at the front desk at the gym yesterday morning.  That combo works and looks quite nice.  I was so pleased with it that one of the trainers made a joke about me getting on my “million dollar smile” for the patrons.  He’s a chipper, friendly type of guy and I think he enjoys opening with perky morning people.

I know I do.

Bilateral Breathing

There are a lot of reasons swimming is not the world most popular form of cardio.  It’s expensive (hell, I got a part time job at a gym just so I could use the facilities instead of having to pay out of pocket for them!), it’s time-consuming (you won’t get a good swim in for under an hour, what with the getting to the gym, changing, showering, etc.), and it’s difficult.

Yes, difficult.   If you come to me bragging about how your father tossed you in the water when you were five and now you’re like a fish, I’ll laugh at you.  You probably don’t have the technique down to swim laps comfortably or effectively.

That last seems to be the biggest sticking point.  I’m trying to think of cardio that’s more technique-based than swimming and frankly I can’t!  Though I’m sure a Helpful Reader will point one out.

No-one would say that I’m a poor swimmer – prolly not even those Total Immersion folks.  But there are still techniques I don’t have down, even averaging three miles a week.

I’ve decided I’m spending the summer becoming fluid with bilateral breathing.  When doing the crawl[1] I usually breathe on every fourth stroke.  That’s always breathing to the right for me.  It’s lousy technique.  And it occurs to me that if I’m swimming a mile a week[2] with bad technique, then I’m practicing bad swimming.

So now I’m forcing myself to breathe every third stroke and switch sides every single time.  I’m clumsy as hell in the water right now and feeling like a dork for waiting as long as I have to force myself to use proper technique.  As a martial artist, I should know better.

Martial artists are usually cautioned in one way or another not to train their non-dominant side to be stupid.   You’re constantly drilling so you can lead equally well with your dominant or non-dominant limbs.

When I go to Virginia Beach this summer, I want to try to swim from the pier at 14th Street down to Rudee Inlet[3].  Open water swimmers really should be good a bi-lateral breathing so they can compensate comfortably for surf conditions, current and that sort of thing.

[1] The stroke isn’t freestyle, it’s the crawl. Most people use that stroke in freestyle events because you want to use the fastest stroke possible in said event, and the crawl is fast.

[2] I break up my laps with three different strokes to use different muscle groups and try to avoid a rotator cuff injury.

[3] The challenge won’t be the distance.  I swim farther than that every workout.  It’s the fact it’s open water.  Very different from a pool!

Back in the Pool

I got my lazy ass into the pool for the first time in a week today.

After my gall bladder attack, I just didn’t feel motivated.  I even asked the doctor if working out was okay (secretly hoping for a “no” and an excuse not to).   He laughed and said that as long I was not in the middle of an attack I should be fine.

So, no excuses.  I swam.

They keep that pool too damn warm in the summer.  I know they do it because of the people in aqua fitness and aqua therapy rehabs that just cannot take the cold.  Dandy.  In the summer, competition pool coldness is fine with me.  Ah well.  I wouldn’t want it to be too cold for people that really need the water workout and the warmth, anyway.

I had oatmeal for breakfast in my new lowfat diet.  Since I’ve been having oatmeal for breakfast for the past few months, this was not exactly a huge change.  I’ve been using powdered milk as creamer instead of half-n-half.  I like half-n-half better, but I’ll be goddamned if I buy those stupid low-fat “products”.  I’m not bloody well going to buy low fat cheese.  I’m just eating nonfat yogurt and gonna be done with it.  It’s summer, the produce is good.  There’s plenty of real food I can eat — I love fish, turkey and chicken.  Salads are my friend.  Strawberries are almost in season.  I make a mean beans and rice.  I bet I can come up with a really tasty yogurt-based salad dressing, too.  I’m a great cook and don’t need to fall back on fake food.

Thank God I can still cook in wine.

Fun Client Week

This week seems to be Have Fun at Work Week here at Figart Consulting.

Got a couple of clients who have a quirky sense of humor.  God, it I love it when that happens.

Being a freelance writer is funny.  Sometimes you get these really interesting projects.  If you have a particular hobby horse, you sometimes get paid to ride it.  I always like that.  All my projects this week are stuff I actually have a real interest in.  This does happen more often than not, because if you’re really into something, your proposals start sounding all excited.  And let’s be frank, if you’re hiring a writer, having one that’s enthusiastic about your topic is always nice.  But sometimes you get some weird, or boring stuff.

Sometimes you have a project where when you start researching it starts to scare the living bajesus out of you.  I had one not too long ago.  It was Friday, Press Enter, The Happiness Patrol and 2001: A Space Odyssey all rolled into one.  I’ve uncurled from my little ball, though.

But not this week, thank goodness.  I’ve got a couple of ones where I’ve rushed home from the gym with an Oh boy!  I get to noodle about something I like and get paid for it!

Why, yes, I do love my job.

Don't Fear The Gym

Lovely workout this morning. While I didn’t get in at 5:30, I did pretty much started my day with a workout, a shower and a nice walk.

Now that I’ve got pics of myself out there, I feel free to rant about something.

I work for the gym where I work out. It’s a nice. You know, friendly — a clean, well-lighted place.

One of the things that one runs across in the fitness industry[1] quite often is someone who wants to get more fit but is afraid they won’t “fit in” – too heavy, too old, too many disabilities…

Friends, the picture in my previous post was hardly that of a svelte gym bunny. And I don’t catch any shit from anyone. Ever[2].

My gym, having a good, warm pool is very popular among the elderly for aqua fitness. There are people who come in who need walkers.

But they come in.

If you want to join a gym and are worried about whether or not you’ll fit in?

Stop worrying. No-one really cares. Well, okay, some of the hard cores will approve of someone making a start on the fitness journey. Other than that, it’ll be mostly blissful indifference ‘cause they’re sweating too hard to worry about it. But a lot of the fear is in your mind. Seriously.

It took me a long time to get the guts to go into the weight room. I was doing my dumbbell workouts, and I was seeing a lot of success with them. I was happy with my progress, but wanted to go ahead and start using the weight room at the gym where I had a pool membership. But I was scared – scared of being mistreated, scared of being made to feel I didn’t belong, scared of looking like an idiot.

If you read things like Testosterone Nation and some such, with a lot of their very harsh comments about fat people, it’s understandable that you might be a little scared. I’m increasingly of the opinion that it’s a loudmouthed minority[3] who really only behave that way from behind the computer screen. I mean come on, if a woman is strong enough to lift a 15 lb kettlebell, she’s strong enough to brain you with it from behind. Who wants to risk that? You’re much more likely to face online nastiness than you are actually in the gym. Not trashing the site. There’s some good info there. Just read the articles and ignore the chest beating. Or, hang it up and go to Stumptuous for your info. It’s just as macho. <grin>

[1] Oh dear God, I work in the fitness industry. Heeeelllllppp mmeeee!

[2] In the interests of honesty, it’s against gym policy to train in just a sports bra and shorts. I put on a shirt…

[3]Who, I also suspect, spend more time talking about lifting than doing it, anyway.

Truth in Advertising

I talk a lot about getting fit and what it’ll do for you.

What it won’t do is make you automagically skinny. The people that read this have a fair idea of my basic workouts. This and a moderately okay diet will give you a body that looks like this (if your basic shape tends to such) when you’re starting out heavy.

This is not to discourage anyone from working out. Working out is great. Working out makes you strong and happy and all that.

It just doesn’t make you skinny.