I’ve been experimenting with drafting patterns lately and finally made myself a camp shirt.

I realized I could just put a skirt on it and have a shirt dress.

I read a Vogue article recently that says that house dresses — comfortable, casual dresses you’d wear around the house but wouldn’t feel weird about answering the door in are fashionable. I’ve never been particularly fashionable, so that made me laugh.
I love a shirt dress in particular. This dress is as comfortable as a caftan, It has pockets. I just throw it on and, boom! I’m put together enough for the day even though I’m spending it with my feet propped up explaining to people that they’re Being Wrong on the Internet.
But yeah, something comfy, moderately tidy, inexpensive*, and a bit pretty does do a lot for my morale even if I’m not going to be doing anything much.
Which is probably why house dresses are making a comeback in the fashion magazines. I have no clue, mind, if Real Women are doing much of this. I seem to recall a good friend of mine wearing a jumper dress on a video conference recently, so maybe it is becoming more of A Thing.
What about you? Do you wear casual dresses, or do you like ’em best for dress up? Or, hey, not at all? To each her own tastes, right?
* The materials for the dress cost less than $25, and I still have a box full of buttons and a bunch of interfacing. If I run across some inexpensive fabric, it’d cost even less to make another one of these babies.