So, having set myself the challenge of learning to knit from patterns properly, I started simply, and am going the Tri-Aran-Angle shawl. Since it’s a shawl, getting the size wrong isn’t really a concern. Also, I’m learning to do cables and such.
I’m actually doing the shawl for a the local hospital. Like many places where people are in need of comfort, there is a Comfort Shawl project going on. People who are caregivers for the elderly, or caring for very ill relatives, can get a hand-knit or hand-crocheted shawl if they want one. There are people who find them a help in time of trial. This one is a fairly heavy one, so it’s going to be like wrapping yourself in a security blanket. Also, it’s appropriate for the cold winter weather.
So, what the heck? I have yarn, the project looks like it’ll go fine, and someone can have a little something to feel better at a difficult time of life. That works for me.