I’ve been reviewing my work Screw Skinny, Get Fit and I realize that I’ve been messing around on this project for too long. I need a big, huge deadline that’ll embarrass me if I don’t meet it to get my lazy butt in gear about this thing.
So, here’s the deal.
I’m going to be offering ScrewSkinny for sale in PDF or PRC (that means you can read it on a Kindle, or in Mobipocket) starting April 1, 2010. I haven’t set a price yet, but it’s going to be under $10. If I get another big contract, I’m just gonna have to give up some knitting time. This is gonna happen no matter who else wants my literary excellence.
This book is not for the athlete. It’s for someone who is sedentary who wants to build or maintain health and fitness. If you have an active, outdoor lifestyle, you’re all good and don’t need this. It’s for someone who’d rather knit or play WoW. Yes, there is a strong geek focus.
I discuss levels of ability, including handicaps of various sorts, and explain why The Perfect Workout is nonsense.
I look forward to reading it!
Did you wind up publishing this for Kindle et. al. afterall? I just googled it but it did not come up.
My ACL is gone (as the MRI showed last week), the meniscus has a (I hope small) tear, and I’ll be going in for reconstruction sometime this year. I would love to have your advice and experience on hand as I work on my pre-hab.
I haven’t finished it, as it happens.